What's Happening - May 2024

Mayday! Mayday! It's May, today.

Welcome to my monthly newsletter, giving you updates on the things I’ve been lettering, reading and writing this month.

What am I writing?

Hero of Legend is launch on kickstarter June 4th!

This, along with putting all of the physical copies of Into the Deep into packages to be sent out, is about all the "writing" I've been doing this month. That, and a bunch of tweets begging people to sign up for the prelaunch page for Hero of Legend.

If you're someone who didn't back the campaign for Into the Deep and are interested in checking out the Submerged Space Opera graphic novel I created with Felipe Trindade, guess what! You can also get a copy (either physical or digital) during the Hero of Legend campaign.

Last newsletter I was able to show you our first two covers for Hero of Legend - Chapter 1. This month, excited to show off our third and final cover by the amazing Icezimy.

(I wanted to wait until this cover was finished before sending out this edition of the newsletter, which this is a couple of days late. I say, as if anyone is waiting on the third Tuesday of the month, wondering where the hell Reed's monthly newsletter is.)

Anyway, the reason why I haven't had time for much actual writing this month? Oh hey, look, it's the "What am I lettering?" section, coming right up.

What am I lettering?

Lots of stuff! A few projects were delayed from April, and May has turned into a super busy month for lettering. Not nearly as exciting but also very true is that May is a really busy month at my day job of being a Special Education teacher.

Anyway, too busy to pontificate about lettering this month, so instead just look at some cool comics I'm helping to make:

Lion of Olympus: Hera's Wrath

This is a Kickstarter project I'm really excited about. Devin Arscott (who edits Hero of Legend) is a great dude and is putting together an awesome mythological adventure. Not only is he a great editor, he's also a great writer. I've lettered a few projects with Devin before, and this looks like a great one.

In the gorgeous land of ancient Greece, Herakles spends his time embarking on epic adventures of godly proportions. In the city of Thebes, our titular hero has stopped to rest from his travels. Due to Hera’s machinations and unwavering hatred, Herakles will have to face off against formidable foes — Ares and his Dogs of War, who serve the mad Queen of Olympus as she seeks to end him once and for all!

Some other prelaunch comics:

Anyway, this is going to be a short (late) newsletter for this month.

That's it?

Yep! Bye.

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