
I guess I have a newsletter now?

Hi all!

This is the titular Reed, welcoming you to Reed ‘em and Weep, my new newsletter about comics, me, and the comics I’m making and reading.

Hi Reed. What could you possibly have to say that’s worthy of a newsletter?

Great question. With the imminent collapse of Twitter (it’s gonna happen any day now, everybody says so!) I’ve given in to the voices telling me that I have to figure out some way to tell people about the things I’m making.

Right now, this will be a place where, periodically, I’ll tell you about some of the projects I’ve been a part of. In the future, I’m hoping this can be a place where I serialize some of my comic projects and maybe show off some short comics I’ve written.

But that’s all in the future! For now, this is a place where I’ll tell you about the cool comics I’ve lettered, some stuff I’ve written, and also something I’ve been reading.

If that seems like it’s worth your time, awesome! And if not, no worries.

How do you end a newsletter?

I dunno. Bye!


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